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 .NET Framework Version 1.1
(required to run Page Scavenger,
or download .zip install with runtime)

Page Scavenger

Page Scavenger is a simple .NET application designed to allow easy downloading of images hosted on free image services via the links posted on web pages. For example, there are many message boards that host image links to celebrity photos where the celebrity photos are actually hosted on free image hosting services such as ImageShack, ImageVenue and any of many more. Page Scavenger supports downloading from many of these services simply by copying and pasting the web page's URL into Page Scavenger and clicking "Go"

Page Scavenger 2.0 Beta Preview Page
Page Scavenger 2.0 Beta Preview Page
Page Scavenger 2.0 Beta Statistics Page
Page Scavenger 2.0 Beta Statistics Page
Page Scavneger 2.0 Beta Progress Page
Page Scavneger 2.0 Beta Progress Page
Page Scavenger 2.0 Beta Summary Page
Page Scavenger 2.0 Beta Summary Page
Page Scavanger 1.0 Downloading Images
Page Scavanger 1.0 Downloading Images

The above screenshots show the two versions of Page Scavenger in various states.

Notes regarding Firefox 3.x

Version 3.x of Firefox has introduced a change requiring secure updates for extensions. This is simply an unreasonable burden in my opinion. I understand the safety concerns, but to not even allow the user a choice is ridiculous. The truth is, they do provide a choice, but it's just hard to get to. Here are the instructions for installing the Page Scavenger Firefox extension:

Latest Version


Version 1.1.2 - Released 2007-08-10

Fixes to Firefox cookie handling.

Version - Released 2007-12-16

Finally released 2.0! Has various fixes and improvements from the beta.

Latest News

Version 2.0 Status

Version 2.0 has been released. You can get it here.

Version 2.0 Translation

Do you have some free time? Is English NOT your native language? I want Version 2.0 to be shipped in multiple languages and you can help by translating the text into your native language.

Read more about it on the wiki Translation page.


Supported Hosts

Page Scavenger currently supports the following free image hosts:

Version 2.0 Only

If you have other hosts you'd like supported, post a Feature Request issue and provide a sample link to an image or a web page that has links to the host and I will try to add support.

Firefox and IE add-on

At install time, you can add IE and Firefox add-ons that provide right-click context menus to those browsers that will launch Page Scavenger with the current web page (so you don't have to copy and paste the URL). In addition, launching from these web browsers allows Page Scavenger to use the cookies and authenticate against web sites that require authentication (such as Celebutopia).

Version 2.0 Features

Version 2.0 has a number of new features


You can download Page Scavenger here. If you already have the .NET Framework version 1.1, simply download and run the .msi (Microsoft Installer) and you're ready to go. If you don't have the .NET Framework, then you'll want to either follow the link at the top of this page to install it, or download the large .zip install (about 24MB) that includes the .NET Framework runtime.


Running Page Scavenger is simple: Provide a url to a web page with links to hosted images as well as a folder to copy the files to. The directory you select will be saved between application runs, so if you have a common folder for receiving files, you will only need to set it once.


Some sites are unreliable and will sometimes fail when attempting to download images (Image Shack is actually pretty notorious for this). The best way to determine this is to go through the "Progress" list after the files are downloaded and look for errors. If there were any errors, without removing the already downloaded files from the destination folder, click the "Go" button again. This will go through and try to download the files that weren't previously downloaded, again. You can do this as many times as you'd like. With the most unreliable hosting sites and a large number of images, I've rarely had to do this more than 3 or 4 times to get all the images. For most sites, this isn't a problem and running once is sufficient to get all the files. The app will generally retry downloading files once, automatically, but this isn't always sufficient.


Now What?

So you've installed Page Scavenger. Now you need a place to use it... Here are a few sites to get you started:


Future of Version 1.0

At this point, 1.0 has most of the features I have planned for it and most of my time is spent on Version 2.0 development. If there are bugs reported, or requests for support for new image hosts in 1.0, I'll be happy to address those. Once 2.0 is released, depending on demand, I may continue to work on 1.0 over time as a Page Scavenger Lite. Despite its lack of configurability and features, it's quite functional and some people prefer simplicity. But if that happens, it will be the acknowledgement that its purpose is to be a "Lite" version and it will not be endowed with any significant new functionality beyond additional support for image hosts.

License Info

This software uses the nCookieReader open source library. See for details. nCookierReader is used under the GNU LGPL.

This software uses the FreeImage open source image library. See for details. FreeImage is used under the GNU GPL, version 2. Logo